Saturday, October 27, 2012


Now, why am I blogging this? I don't know. It just makes me feel more comfortable about it. Not that it's something to be uncomfortable of. Well, yes; but not in that sense. (Whaaat? Forgive me, I'm a little disoriented. It's 4 am in the morning and I'm still up.) What I mean to say is, it's uncomfortable to have it but there's nothing to be ashamed of. (Am I making any sense?:D)
So, what is PCOS? It's basically a cyst in the ovary and can be acquired genetically. Chances are if you have someone in your family who is suffering from PCOS, you too can possibly have it. I do. How do I know about it? Thanks to Dr. Google, haha. I just searched the symptoms and found out that I have it (several months ago).
No one in the family knows that I have it except me. It's not malignant(I hope) so why bother? But anyway, I have a plan. I'm planning to prevent it from worsening by taking the natural way. Alternative medicines, I mean. I'll give you an update soon :))).

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